Take Note of These 4 Vitamins to Boost Male Health

These are fantastic four nutrients for improved men’s health.

Take Note of These 4 Vitamins to Boost Male Health

These are fantastic four nutrients for improved men’s health.

It is important your body keeps up with the demands of home, work, and other engagements. One way to ensure this is by loading up on vitamins and nutrients your body can use daily. If you’re wondering what the ideal nutrients for male’s health are, continue reading!

#1: Vitamin D

Vitamin D is a fat-soluble nutrient that’s produced in the skin upon direct exposure to sunlight. It helps with: strengthening and building bones and teeth; lowering your risk for fractures, types 1 and 2 diabetes, and high blood pressure; and boosting your immune system, muscle function, and brain health.

How Much Do Males Need?

Get at least 600 IU (International Units) of Vitamin D daily. If you’re 70 years old and above, raise this amount to 800 IU. You can get Vitamin D from various food sources, and from supplements as prescribed by your doctor. A person who has Vitamin D deficiency, however, will need higher doses to increase their Vitamin D to normal levels. If you are at risk for Vitamin D deficiency, especially if you do not get adequate sunlight exposure, it would be good to check your Vitamin D levels to ensure that you are not deficient. (Levels below 30 ng/ml are considered deficient.)

Are There Side Effects or Contraindications?

Avoid doses higher than 4,000 IU for a long period of time, as this may cause extremely high calcium levels in the body. High vitamin D levels may also cause weakness, nausea, vomiting, poor appetite, weight loss, and confusion. 

#2: Vitamin C

Vitamin C helps with tissue growth and repair, and wound healing. It also provides antioxidant support to help protect cells from damage and boost your immune system. For males specifically, research showed that Vitamin C may help improve prostate health and lower the risk for benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH) or an enlarged prostate. However, more studies are needed to fully confirm this link. 

How Much Do Males Need?

Males are expected to get 90 mg of Vitamin C daily from various fruits and vegetables. You can also raise your body’s Vitamin C levels with a supplement, taken orally once a day or as prescribed by your doctor. 

Are There Side Effects or Contraindications?

Although Vitamin C toxicity is uncommon, taking too much Vitamin C at one time (more than 1000mg as a single dose) may lead to side effects like nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn, stomach cramps, bloating, or headaches. 

#3: Calcium

It’s best known for its role in keeping our bones and teeth strong and healthy. But did you know that it’s also important in the contractions of our blood vessels and muscles, in cardiovascular health, blood clotting, and brain and nerve function?

How Much Do Males Need?

For males aged 19 to 70, this amount is at 1,000 mg. For men aged 71 years and older, it’s at 1,200 mg. While calcium is available in vegetables, beans, chia seeds, and kale, 

you may also take a supplement orally once a day or as prescribed by your doctor. Ideally, take 500 mg of supplements at a time together with food so the mineral is absorbed better.

Are There Side Effects or Contraindications?

Calcium supplements may cause side effects like gas, bloating, constipation; hypercalcemia or extremely high calcium levels, which can lead to a build-up of calcium in your tissues; and interfere with iron and zinc absorption. Moreover, when taking calcium supplements, make sure you’re also getting adequate Vitamin D, Vitamin K and magnesium so that your body can utilize the calcium more effectively. 

#4: Vitamin A

Aside from promoting better vision, Vitamin A may encourage white blood cell production and activity, improve bone health, aid with the maintenance of your endothelial cells, and promote cell growth and division.

How Much Do Males Need?

Adult males need 900 mcg (3,000 IU) of Vitamin A daily, and it can come from some vegetables, meat, and various organ meats, especially liver. Another way to get your daily dose of Vitamin A is via a supplement like multivitamins taken orally once a day or as prescribed by your doctor.

Are There Contraindications or Side Effects?

If you’re taking a Vitamin A supplement, note that 3,000 mcg (10,000 IU) is considered the tolerable upper limit for daily intake. Amounts higher than this puts you at risk for Vitamin A toxicity which can cause poor appetite, bone and joint pain, nausea and vomiting, sunlight sensitivity, and headaches.

Apart from these vitamins and minerals, the other nutrients you need to keep healthy and strong are influenced by factors like age, lifestyle, and current health status. As always, talk to a doctor or health professional to know more about your body’s requirements.




























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