Men can deal with nutrient deficiencies during their lifetime, all of which may lead to complications if not addressed right away - learn more here.

4 Nutrients Men Surprisingly Lack in Their Bodies

Most men lack these nutrients in their body – are you one of them?

Men can deal with nutrient deficiencies during their lifetime, all of which may lead to complications if not addressed right away - learn more here.

4 Nutrients Men Surprisingly Lack in Their Bodies

Most men lack these nutrients in their body – are you one of them?

Juggling work and home routines involves a lot of tasks for men, and in some instances, a healthy lifestyle takes a backseat. Unfortunately, this can mean you’re not getting enough amounts of ideal vitamins and minerals for optimal body function.

A 2020 study published in the journal Nutrients highlighted a sad reality. Filipino working adults ages 19 to 59 years old were found to be deficient in multiple nutrients. With these results in mind, take note of the nutrients highlighted in the study that can be lacking in men’s bodies, and how you address deficiencies of these.  

#1: Iron

Among all the nutrients listed in the study, 99% of participants had iron deficiency which is the highest compared to other micronutrient. Iron helps distribute oxygen to the lungs and transport carbon dioxide back to lung arteries to be exhaled. It also plays a role in the production of red blood cells, enzymes and energy.  While iron deficiency is usually associated with women since there are factors that raise their group’s risk for this, this doesn’t mean men shouldn’t be worried.  Among the working population, the most common cause of iron deficiency is due to poor quality of food intake mostly consumption of energy-dense foods.

How Do You Get More Iron?

Men who are 19 years old and above are advised to get at least 12 mg of iron daily. The best foods to add to your diet to increase iron intake include egg yolks, red meat; turkey, chicken and liver. Among the top vegetables and fruits are leafy greens like spinach and kale, as well as dried fruits like raisins and prunes. Healthy carbohydrates with plenty of iron are whole-grains. Protein sources of iron riched- foods are beans, lentils and soybeans.  You can also talk to your doctor about taking an iron supplements. 

#2: Calcium

Results of the same study showed that 94.7% of working Filipino adults lack calcium which helps to ensure proper heart muscle, and nerve function, assists with maintaining bone strength, and plays a major role sustaining optimal cell health.

A lack of calcium can cause muscle aches, fatigue, dry skin and/or nails, dental problems, and a higher risk for osteopenia or osteoporosis. In particular, one 2014 study revealed that men have a 10% to 25% chance of dealing with osteoporotic fracture (injuries attributed to osteoporosis), especially as they age.

How Do You Get More Calcium?

Calcium recommendations for men depend on age. For instance, 19 to 59 year-old men are advised to get 750 mg and 800 mg for those 60 years old and above. . Ideally, increase your body’s calcium levels by eating food like beans, spinach, tofu, and/or dairy products like milk, cheese, or yogurt. 

Multivitamin supplements can also help with your calcium requirements. Try looking for supplements that contain vitamins (A, B1, B2, B6, C, and K) and nutrients like folic acid, iron, potassium, and manganese. This powerful blend helps provide your body’s needed nutrients in one formula.

#3: Vitamin C

According to the study, 87.3% of respondents were deficient in this vitamin. A deficiency like this can be detrimental, given the many benefits linked to vitamin C. It’s known to help protect your body from free radical-caused damage, promote tissue growth and optimal immune system function, and maintain healthy bones, teeth, and cartilage.

How Do You Get More Vitamin C?

Adult men are advised to get 70 mg of vitamin C daily from food sources like citrus fruits, red and green bell peppers, broccoli, tomatoes, and cantaloupe. Feel free to talk to your doctor as well about the potential benefits of a non-acidic vitamin C supplement.

#4: B Vitamins

Lastly, results revealed that Filipino adults were deficient in three B vitamins: folate or vitamin B9 (97.9%), riboflavin or vitamin B2 (95.8%), and thiamin or vitamin B1 (76.6%). These three B vitamins can benefit your body in multiple ways:

  • Folate or vitamin B9: This helps with DNA and RNA production, protein metabolism, and red blood cell formation. It also assists in the breakdown of an amino acid called homocysteine that may lead to negative effects in the body if present in high amounts.
  •  Riboflavin or vitamin B2:  Necessary for energy production, cell function and fat metabolism
  • Thiamin or vitamin B1: It is needed for proper cell function. Helps convert nutrients into energy. 

How Do You Get More B Vitamins?

Take note of these daily requirements for these B vitamins, as well as notable food sources:

  • Folate or vitamin B9: The ideal amount for men stands at 400 mcg daily. Spinach, sunflower seeds, liver, and eggs are notable sources of this B vitamin.
  • Riboflavin or vitamin B2: Strive to get 1.3 mg of this vitamin if you’re 19 years old and above from sources like yogurt, cheese, eggs, organ meats, chicken breast, and salmon.
  • Thiamin or vitamin B1: Men 19 years and older need 1.2 mg daily. This B vitamin can be found in beans, lentils, green peas, sunflower seeds, and yogurt.

Consult your doctor about a Vitamin B complex supplements.

Best approach to prevent vitamin and mineral deficiency is to make sure to include   nutrient dense food in your daily diet. 

If you wish to know more about nutrient deficiencies you may have, talk to a doctor or health professional right away. Not all bodies are built the same way as there are multiple factors that can affect a man’s overall health, and consequently, the nutrients present in your system. With doctor consultation, you can have a clearer look on what needs to be addressed.


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